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Showing posts from 2021

Damned is the heart

You don’t love me, You love the idea of loving me,  You love the idea of having me in your life You love the idea of “this is who is right for me” Damned is the heart I mean…  I’m amazing! Im a lucky find, You find comfort in me You have peace of mind and all that good stuff you would want from your woman  I’m everything you want  Damned is the heart Because….  I’m not everything you need I don’t give you the butterflies  I don’t fill up your mind with ME I don’t make your heart skip a beat  I just don’t cut it…  Damned is the heart Well… You try to hold on  You try to do right by me You try to be committed to me You try to choose me over and over again  You try to be happy  You TRY AND FAIL because I’m just not the one  Damned is the heart  Random writes by Miss Carol 

My 27 Lessons at 27

I turned 27! and I’m back home after 4 years so I got to celebrate with my family. This year I decided to write about the lessons I’ve learnt so far. It took me about 15 minutes to get these together, and I thought I should share. 😌 1. When you ask the universe for something, please do not accept mediocre. 2. Set boundaries, people treat you how you allow them to. 3. How you speak to/about yourself is very important and really matters. 4. Do not wait to be at your lowest to identify the solid pillars(people) in your life.  5. Quality over quantity  6. Be intentional with everything you do  7. Categorising Natural plants as illegal drugs is BS 🤷🏽‍♀️  8. Do not stress over things you can’t change/ control 9. Don’t be a sheep, the world is a social construct, live by your truth 10. Spirituality over religion. 11. Some people may not understand your opinion and that’s okay. There is beauty in diversity.  12. Never judge a book by the cover, be kind and respectful...


50 SHADES OF LIFE   It’s okay to express your mind whenever you feel like it. Others behaviour do not determine who you are. You can ask for your rights and still be a good person. If you choose to say no, that doesn’t make you a bad person. You can be in love with someone but still be better off without them. Maybe you want to help your loved ones but it’s not necessary to do so all the time. It’s okay to wish for something somebody else has or can offer.  Just because you have not achieved/reached your goals doesn’t mean that your actions weren’t efficient.  Others opinions are not more valid than yours. If you say no to somebody who needed help doesn’t mean you needed to say yes. It’s okay to ignore certain people  It’s okay to choose not speak to certain people. You are a good friend even if you don’t call them that often. You are a good child even though you don’t tell your parents how much you love them. It’s okay for others not to understand you.  Ra...