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Nikiona karau nafaa kufeel safe instead nafeel scared
Badala ya kuwategemea tunawaogopa
Badala ya kutulinda wanatuwinda
Badala ya kutulinda wanatumurder
Badala ya kutulinda wanatuiba 
Siwezi make report, Utumishi kwa wote imegeuka biashara
Naenda aje kuseek justice kwa leaders of injustice?

Karibu kenya where tunaogopa karau more than covid-19
Karibu kenya where Mtoto wa 13 years ana-threaten karau ako na gun
Karibu kenya where jamaa anajaribu kuzika the wife analala kwa streets na coffin ya the wife juu ya karau
Karibu kenya where mwenye hana pesa ya mask anachapwa to death na karau juu amebreak curfew akitafuta hiyo pesa
Karibu kenya where Karau ananichapa hajavaa hiyo mask. 
Karibu kenya where Navunjwa pua na kuibiwa na karau na nikienda kureport kwa police station nafukuzwa kama criminal
Karibu kenya where a 2 mnth old baby ana fight for his life kwasababu ya tear gas ya karau
Karibu kenya where Kijana ana-suffocate to death kwasababu ya tear gas ya karau
Karibu kenya where nadrown nikiavoid wrath ya karau after curfew 
Karibu kenya where a good samaritan anauliwa na karau juu amebreak curfew akijaribu kusave life
Karibu kenya where nauliwa na karau nikikimbiza mtoi hosi juu ya hii curfew
Karibu kenya where medic anakuwa shot na karau juu eti amebreak curfew
Karibu kenya where maskini hana access to information ya curfew anauliwa na karau
Karibu kenya where msee wa boda anauliwa na karau juu amebreak curfew akipeleka madam anaball kubring life
Karibu kenya where nadedi kwa cell ya karau juu sina doh ya kuafford lawyer
Karibu kenya where MP alimurder an unarmed man ako free kwa streets

Enough is enough, it’s time for change. We cannot continue to be silent. 


#JusticeforYassinMoyo #justiceforKhamisJuma #JusticeforDavidKiiru #JusticeforPeterGacheru #JusticeforCalvinceOmondi #JusticeforIdrisMukolwe #JusticeforRamadhanJuma #JusticeforEricNgethe #JusticeforJohnMuli #JusticeforIbrahimOnyango

#kenyapolice #policebrutality #wearethesamecolour #ourlivesmatter #demandingforchange 

unanswered questions series by Ms Carol


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